
Our workshops serve as an outreach tool to engage people in the actual running of the School while simultaneously resulting in resources that can be adapted into courses and training programs. All our workshops center around collaborative activities, whether they are condensed versions of courses (Teach someone something with open content), sprints to build courses (Open Science course sprint), or brainstorming to pool collective knowledge (Open Education Timeline).

Below is a list of workshops we’ve run on a variety of topics. We have started a workshop toolkit so that you can design and run your own workshop.

Join the Discussion and get support for your workshop, wherever you are in the world!

Building the School of Open

Workshops that help build the School’s governance structures.

School of Open pop-up in Berlin

When: 16-27 July 2012
Where: Berlin, Germany
What: For two weeks, we put our heads together with lots of post-its to build the governance structures for the School and developed three initial stand-alone courses.
Documentation: Summary; Day 1; Day 2; Day 3

Convening on the Open Policy Network and School of Open

When: 3-5 October 2012
Where: Palo Alto, California, United States
What: The workshop gathered representatives from different open sectors to compile a set of initial subject areas, draft specific courses tailored to user scenarios, and identify partner organizations and initiatives.
Documentation: Agenda; Summary

Introduction to Open

Workshops that introduce the concept of “open” through a participatory activity.

School of Open Challenges Workshop in Berlin

When: 3-5 October 2012
Where: Palo Alto, California, United States
What: Local Berliners gathered to discuss the inherent (or not) value of openness, work through the Teach someone something with open content challenge, draft School of Open courses, and brainstorm badges that might be awarded for recognition of open skills and competencies.
Documentation: Summary; Teach someone something with open content course

Getting Creative Commons Savvy with Open.Michigan

When: 26 October 2012
Where: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
What: A workshop at the University of Michigan where a group of eight worked through the P2PU School of Open course, Get CC Savvy.
Documentation: Summary; Get CC Savvy course

Open Peer Learning Workshop with School of Open & School of Data

When: 19 September 2012
Where: Helsinki, Finland
What: Creative Commons, P2PU, and the OKFN introduced the School of Open and the School of Data, followed by a Q&A and a hands-on, creative workshop to prototype open challenges and courses. Participants took the “Teach someone something with open content” course in an offline, small group setting, and translated that learning into designing a course “open” area of interest.
Documentation: Eventbrite; Summary; Teach someone something with open content course

Course and resource sprints

Workshops that gather volunteers to co-create a course, booklet, or other resource about a particular topic.

School of Open Virtual Sprint

When: 24 July 2012
Where: Online
What: Participants from across timezones logged into a live chat and etherpad to build, improve, and test courses.
Documentation: Announcement; Summary

Hit the Road Map: A Human Timeline of the Open Education Space

When: 24 October 2013
Where: London, United Kingdom
What: In addition to networking and sharing common open education interests, participants collectively built a timeline of events that they felt marked important milestones in the open education space, from the beginning of the Open University in 1969 to Lessig’s countersuit against Liberation Music.
Documentation: Eventbrite; Announcement (1 & 2); Summary

Open Video Course Sprints

When: December 2012, March-April 2013
Where: Berlin, Sudan, London
What: The course, A Look at Open Video, was created for the School of Open as part of the Open Video Forum December 2012 in Berlin. The forum aimed to bring together participants interested in open video in the context of a euro-african culture and technology project Mokolo. The event was supported by xm:lab. The event then turned into a series of workshops in Sudan and London to work on and improve the Open Video Workbook on which the course is based.
Documentation: Berlin; Sudan; London; Open Video Workbook (on Booktype, on P2PU); A Look at Open Video course

Building School of Open in German

When: 2 March 2013
Where: Berlin, Germany
What: CC Germany and Wikimedia Germany hosted a workshop to introduce P2PU and the School of Open, to create and translate School of Open courses in German, and to brainstorm ideas for new courses about Wikipedia as part of the School.
Documentation: Announcement; Summary

Open Science Course Sprint

When: 23 February 2013
Where: Mountain View, California, United States
What: A community-supported event to build open learning resources around the topic of Open Science, done in a hackathon-style sprint event that gathered people with diverse backgrounds and experience levels. The result was an introductory course on Open Science.
Documentation: Announcement; Summary; Open Science: An Introduction course

This list is not exhaustive. To peruse more School of Open events, see the School of Open tag at the CC blog. To keep abreast of future workshops, subscribe to the School of Open blog.

Workshop Toolkit