Code4CT girls with cc4kids certificates / Kelsey Wiens / CC BY
#Code4CT is a three-week training program from Innovate South Africa with twenty-four grade 10 and 11 girls from”>Countinue reading »
Posts Tagged: OER
You’re Invited! “Wikipedia Barn Raising” event on Saturday July 19th
Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-54440-0001 / CC BY-SA
We’re delighted to host a free “Wikipedia Barn Raising” event on Saturday July 19th, from 11 a.m.”>Countinue reading »
School of Open gets a facelift, plus other news
Since our last comprehensive update, the School of Open has been creating new courses, planning continent-wide launches, conducting research, and making itself over.
New Web Space
We have a new web space! Previously, communications about our major projects have been scattered throughout the Countinue reading »
Making the Case for Libraries in Latin America: A New School of Open Course
ABC of Copyright for Librarians in Latin America, or ABC del derecho de autor para bibliotecarios de América Latina, is a free, online course that launches today as part of the Countinue reading »