Are you curious about what it means to research openly and what benefits it could have? Interested in how you can be open and ethical when conducting research? Wondering how openness could help raise the profile of your research? Thinking about the benefits of sharing reflections on your research?
The award-winning, Hewlett Foundation-funded OER Research”>Countinue reading »
Posts Tagged: creative commons
Have you taken a School of Open stand-alone course? Let us know what you think.
We currently offer 15 stand-alone courses open for you to take at any time, any place. Some take a half-hour to complete; others take a bit longer. All are free! Now’s your chance to take one (or another one) and give us your feedback through a short Countinue reading »
School of Open Africa to launch in September
(SOO logo here. Earth icon licensed CC BY by Erin Standley from the Noun Project.)
After months of discussions, deliberations and planning between CC staff, African”>Countinue reading »
Learn about openness in “Why Open?” (August 2014)
Project 365 #303: 301009 Blink And You’ll Miss It! / Pete / CC BY
What is openness? What are the different kinds of openness? Why engage in open activities, and what potential problems or obstacles might there be to doing so? These are some of”>Countinue reading »
You’re Invited! “Wikipedia Barn Raising” event on Saturday July 19th
Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-54440-0001 / CC BY-SA
We’re delighted to host a free “Wikipedia Barn Raising” event on Saturday July 19th, from 11 a.m.”>Countinue reading »
School of Open gets a facelift, plus other news
Since our last comprehensive update, the School of Open has been creating new courses, planning continent-wide launches, conducting research, and making itself over.
New Web Space
We have a new web space! Previously, communications about our major projects have been scattered throughout the Countinue reading »
Making the Case for Libraries in Latin America: A New School of Open Course
ABC of Copyright for Librarians in Latin America, or ABC del derecho de autor para bibliotecarios de América Latina, is a free, online course that launches today as part of the Countinue reading »